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Trudnoću držala u tajnosti: Zvijezda mjuzikla "Mamma Mia" rodila sina

Zvijezda mjuzikla "Mamma Mia" Amanda Seyfried i njen suprug Thomas Sadoski, slijedili su primjer Katy Perry i Orlanda Blooma, pa su rođenje djeteta objavili kroz saradnju s dobrotvornim organizacijama s kojima sarađuju, INARA i War Child.

Objavljeno: 29.09.2020. u 17:37
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Amanda je uspjela trudnoću u potpunosti zadržati u tajnosti. Zato je malo reći da je objava o proširenju njihove porodice sve šokirala. Par već ima trogodišnju djevojčicu Ninu, a sada je ona dobila brata čije ime ponosni roditelji još uvijek nisu otkrili.

- Otkako se prije tri godine rodila naša kćerkica, naša predanost da pomognemo nevinoj djeci koja su brutalno pogođena sukobima i ratom bila je pokretačka snaga u našim životima. S rođenjem našeg sina rad INARA-e i War Childa postala je naša zvijezda vodilja- poručili su u svojoj objavi.

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@thomas_sadoski and I made a little man #Repost @thomas_sadoski ・・・ If you’re interested in helping out the (now) 4 of us would love it if everyone able could set up a monthly $4 (or $44!!) donation to BOTH of these incredible organizations that help make the world a better place for kids. Repost from @inaraorg & @warchildusa. We at War Child and INARA are so happy to be the first to announce that our board members Amanda Seyfried and Thomas Sadoski welcomed their second child into this world. ⁠ ⁠ Their statement:⁠ “Since the birth of our daughter 3 years ago our commitment to the innocent children that are so brutally affected by conflict and war has been a driving force in our lives. With the birth of our son the work of INARA and War Child has become our North Star.”⁠ @mingey @thomas_sadoski @inaraorg⁠ ⁠ ⁠#AmandaSeyfried #ThomasSadoski #BabyBorn #BabyAnnouncement #SecondChild #NewBorn #INARA #WarChild

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